Monday, July 9, 2007


Looking at the Blog Directory, I randomly chose a page (page 5) and there was our own John Krivak's blog!

In Blog Posts I was suprised to see "hits" in languages other than English. I didn't know how global this learning experience had become.

I was interrupted several times while looking at the blogs that had "Learning 2.0" in them. As I would rerun the search, I noticed that a few new "hits" appeared. Maybe my colleagues all over the place are hitting the same assignment in this Learning 2.0 venture.

As an aside, I was searching for a title and noticed that that site gives you the opportunity to tag titles you're looking at.

While exploring tags has been interesting, librarians are used to more of a "controlled environment" (at least those of us who have been around for a while are used to it!). Users who hope to find all on a topic using taps will need to keep a thesaurus close at hand!

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